Warning You all in advanced

I know this is a conspiracy sub but...

Not to scare yall but as per vedic astrology after 29th march 6 plants are coming in pisces This is no coincidence. This is once in a lifetime placement.

Pisces is the sea and water bodies , floods, water contamination and tsunamis can be seen from this. Wars not on lad but sea ( Most probably south china (for war) and atlantic (for flood ig ). Also The world is not ready for what is to come.

There are literal Oarfishes coming out of the sea. Why would a deep sea creature come on shore to die. They say naga will come out in such placements in ancient India. Oar fishes look like nagas (snakes from underworld)

Plus thousands of fishes come out of the sea to die. Is this just a coincidence



This is known as chakara.

Chakara typically occurs during the southwest monsoon season when upwelling—caused by wind-driven movements of the ocean—brings nutrient-rich water from the ocean depths to the surface.



But the southwest monsoon in India is a rainy season that occurs from June to September. How can this happen during spring in Feb. Something is totally way off inside the sea

  1. Saturn will complete its axis in 32 years. Last time it started the circle we had yahoo chat and now look where we are. Something will end.
  2. Rahu after 18 years will come in Aquarius, its own sign. Mass consciousness, cults, rebellion of lower class can seen. Also rahu is tech and Aquarius is also tech and innovations. So some new innovation will come that will swing the world forever.
  3. Ketu in Leo - Rebellion against authorities, government and monarchs. Fatigue, tiredness would ne rampant The most important of all thing though would be lower child birth.

Some predictions I make

  • Assassination or an attempt of an authority
  • Riots
  • Floods or tsunami near Atlantic ocean and south china sea (+war)
  • Contamination of sea due to oil leaks
  • End of celebrity and influencer era
  • Market crash
  • New tech that will change our whole world completely
  • Earthquakes
  • A new virus that can effect children
  • Edited (maybe? ) Attack or threat to trump as this conjunction is happening in 8th house of his chart

Take care guys . Be conscious and safe


Angler fish found this month. These are found in only deep sea

150 whales on shore many weren't even dead. Why would they come out and die

The planetary placement i am talking about