Fellow travelers,
The following story was created to help me process my PTSD, Major Depression and Anxiety. I am currently working on a blog and a series of short stories that meets the needs of today's audience. Specifically, societies addiction to short-span media or pick up and go information targeted for adults with short attention spans.
Anyways, I would like a critique on the following piece. The subject matter may trigger some readers. The story is not to offend but provide the internal conflict of living with trauma. Enjoy!
Ok. Life is about keeping schedules. We must keep appointments and meetings, which allow us to build confidence with coworkers, friends, and family. We should all strive to be the best person you wish you had in your own life. We must create and build a name that commands "Respect and Trust." Trust being the ladder.
Yes, I'm telling you this because it was never told to me. I never had figures in my life that pushed values and drove me to succeed. We all have trauma in our lives; there is no book for our parents on how to raise the best human. Being a parent myself, I learned to understand this. You take a bunch of ideas and toss them against the wall... see what sticks. Kids, unlike ideas, do not stick to walls. I know, I tried. It's called time out. Something we all need from time to time.
I guess this is goodbye. I do not need anyone to mourn my journey. It's time to let go of trauma and travel to new destinations. Try new things. This old life is like a beautiful wedding ring. The ring itself never becomes tarnished. Clean the ring, and the structure of the ring can last forever. But love and marriage itself is bound to fade or fail. Love is pain, pain that most people can't seem to endure over time.
So, I must keep to my schedule.
- Veterans Affairs Therapy (0800-0900)
- Breakfast (0900-1000)
- Road Trip to Asheville, North Carolina (1000-1300) Mountains
- Sightseeing (1300-1500) Hiking
- Late Lunch (1500-1600)
- Hotel (1600-TBD) Rest
Writing this, I'm sitting in the VA parking lot waiting to talk to my therapist. I won't bore you with the details. However, my exposure to firefights, suicide (Battle Buddies), dead bodies and body parts, long work hours, and abused children has taken its toll over the years. Trauma brings pain, suffering, and resentment. PTSD, depression, and anxiety do not just appear one day. We eat our trauma. We push it down. The problem is, the human body cannot digest trauma. It sits and festers. The analogy I can share is, "Adding a brick to our rucksack." Each time we travel through trauma, we pick up a brick and add to the weight of our rucksack. We ruck or travel forward. We become stronger. However, carrying the weight eventually damages our joints, casting physical pain throughout our bodies. We are trained to carry heavy weight, yet we were never conditioned to set down the weight.
Eventually, we become that brick. We become the weight we pack. Therapy teaches us to shed this weight and let go of our rucksack. We simply were hired for a job. The job should never be carried into your personal life.
So, to keep you from the particulars, let's get on with the rest of our day.
The trip through the Carolinas was beautiful. Such a wonderful state, North Carolina in particular. Even in the cold winter morning, the landscape is green. The roads are clean and well-constructed. Perfect for throwing on some traveling music and smoking a nice cigar.
Approaching the mountains was something special. The roads elevated slightly, putting variable stress on my engine. Curved roads force the traveler to slow down and appreciate the dense forest and vegetation, still green due to the North Carolina pine trees. Deer are ever-present at the skirts of the roadways, beautiful and innocent. The clean air is free and absent of gunpowder, blood, and burnt trash. 1325 Hours—love being ahead of time.
Hiking is a great way to get out and enjoy nature. Funny, the mind is always turned on. For example, Afghanistan on patrol in a village surrounding Kandahar. We visually sweep 5, 15, 100, 150, and three hundred meters for enemy contact.
Then, small arms fire approaches my team. Listen to the hit patterns, look at the sand and rocks for impact. Get to cover!
Engage. Controlled short bursts in the direction of fire. Count shots—almost out. Red mist to the left of me. Team member down. Assess, keep pressure down range. Threat neutralized, black on ammo. Next, self-aid if needed and provide triage to injured teammates. Check... rog.
Call for fire complete, call for evac. Push through assault and approach evac point with injured. Pull security. Evac wounded. Collect ammo. Rinse and repeat.
Come home after deployment, get pulled over for expired tags. Check. Wife and family have moved on. Check. Again, rinse and repeat.
To live on the edge, fight for survival, and come home to assist a world less important than the one we left is difficult. The sense of abandonment is absolute. The world keeps turning and becomes ignorant to the sacrifices of others. Sense of security is comfort food. Where's the threat!?
So, yes. The creek is just ahead. 1430 Hours—I am making great time. I'm starting to fade a bit. Guess that's to be expected. Truth is, I'm a liar.
Today, I broke my schedule. You see, I packed and got ready for my travels. Arrived at the VA approximately 0840 Hours. So yes, in that regard, I am proud that I was ahead of schedule. Change is never a reality in my world. While fixing my rearview mirror, I noticed the empty car seat.
I thought of all the moments that I missed. My baby girl's face matted with food and dirt. The song she sings... da da da dadada da! Yes, no pattern. Come on, she's two. But yes, empty and devoid of acknowledgment.
Remember, I told you I was a traveler. Saying goodbye to one life and taking a journey to the next. So, no, I never made it to my appointment or to the mountains. Incidentally, the mist of blood from the left, which occurred in my daydream, happened when the cold blade of my knife traveled across the artery on the left side of my neck. I'm not stupid. No need to go any further than this. The flow of warm blood exiting my artery reduced my anxiety as I entered a ketamine-like state. Euphoric and relaxed.
Yes, I lied. But I did see the mountains. Not sure how, but I did. Promise. Yes, the air was clean and clear... the trails were balanced and leveled. But I never made it to the creek. As I mentioned, this was a goodbye note. Don't be sad. I told you how beautiful the mountains were. I spent my last moments sharing the beauty this world has provided me.
If you like beaches, cities, museums, or just staying home with your loved ones, live in the details. Remember every grain of sand, every color you see.
These memories, my fellow travelers, will guide you in ... _________