You will probably be fine

I'm making this post because for the last 4 years I've been a huge lurker on this Sub. I enjoy the stories, how relatable they are, the tips, etc. But one of the things that I notice the most is that when I lurk furiously is of course when I am coming out of a bender and the subsequent days of anxiety, pain, the works. But besides that I've always been hypochondriac so inevitably Ill search in this sub + symptoms or this sub + seizures or this sub + liver failure. So it's still wholesome but then that just makes the lurking on my phone dead on my bed even the more anxious. Of course there is someone always on any post about anything physical "how much were you drinking?" because they want to gauge if they are on the threshold, if they are at risk. Also there is some people that say "Always go do the ER" and the classic stories "I was fine for 3 days then I got DTs".

These are all valuable stories don't get me wrong, and I know we don't give medical advice and that everyone is different. But if anybody has to hear it, I think you'll be fine (can't guarantee it). I was reading a girl that had 2 bottles of Wine a night and her longest bender was 3 days panicking. I mean, not shaming it because I've been on that position (but it's mostly the anxiety and your lowest of lows talking). I will tell you my experience, I've been to Rehab, have done some AA meetings, the whole thing. Withdrawals were getting really bad last year, days of missing work, losing friends, anxiety, no sleep. I went to the Hospital 4 times because I let my anxiety beat me (have gone to it before 2 times the previous years.). Out of those, they sent me away empty handed twice, the two other I got Librium and Ativan. But I racked up over $4k in Hospital bills. So of course I still did a full bender and this time I said, not worth it, let it be as punishment and I survived, did that two more benders and I survived. Of course horrible WDs but I made it. Now I know you are gonna say we are not all the same, your luck will run out. I know and I am trying to not do the 9 day benders I did anymore but you know how it goes.

Anyway, the reason why I wanted to say this is that the people that read and read and panic too much are not really at that high of a risk specially if they frequent here. Now I don't know you but if you've been here a while and tried to at least keep up with what is said here (drink electrolytes throughout your Bender, try to force yourself to eat, take your vitamins, try to taper before you fully cut) then I think your chances of being okay are very high. I know there are times when you can't hold food, or in the bender you stop caring about your vitamins but if at least you tried and try to keep it throughout withdrawals, forcing yourself to drink 4 Gatorlytes or whatever, Orange Juice, Pickles, Bananas get some Chamomile tea. Even if you have to call an Ubereats to deliver that Gatorlyte, having Magnesium and B-Complex handy and at least you tried to cut to at least a 12 pack of light beer. You'll be mostly eventually fine, miserable but fine.

I know this doesn't go to the Legends out here who really drink a Handle of Vodka per day and have long month benders (benders btw I define them as drinking day and night, you wake up and start drinking, passout and continue drinking until you pass out again until your body can't anymore). But if you keep your Benders to 8 days (Day and night) and you are more or less still young (less than 40) and relatively healthy (you are not a 70 pounds woman) and follow the tips here and you know you have Health Anxiety you will most probably be okay. The physical symptoms will suck don't get me wrong, but at least alleviate a bit that anxiety and stop reading about Pancreatitis, Liver Failure, Heart Attack, DTs, go and watch a movie or read a fun story in this sub. Peace. Sorry I don't know who needed to hear this.