Tired of seeing "just try harder" every time someone voice their worries about the job market.
Before I rant, I'd like to ask do you think there would be so much panic and fearmongering in the tech indsutry if we all have a social safety net, a universal basic income of some sort? Would YOU be living in fear then?
Every time someone voice their worries about AI taking jobs, the response is always the same: "Just improve your skills. Adapt. Outcompete others."
But let’s be honest, this isn’t about progress. It’s about keeping us trapped in an endless cycle of fear and competition.
We’ve been conditioned to believe that if we just work harder, we’ll be safe. The idea of blindly sacrificing your life just for a chance of having a job is literally slavery. It's just that no one recognizes that, because STEM bros are always shitting on humanities subjects - subjects that taught us to see beyond what's in front of our eyes, to see the economy, to see the politics, to see that modern slavery social engineered us to pit against each others to survive.
I know someone will come here and say "but what about supply and demand". The market isn’t "free" when a handful of billionaires own the AI, the data, and the infrastructure that decide the fate of millions. They lay off workers, automate jobs, and amass unimaginable wealth, while the rest of us are told to "hustle harder" or be left behind.
The issue isn’t AI, it’s the system that prioritizes profit over people. And until we address that, no amount of "stop doomposting and just try harder" will solve anything.