Do you trust tyres that flatted?
I ride through the whole year and this means (SE England) that there is a lot of rain and most rides feel like a off-road ride because there is just so much debris on the smaller roads. I've done around 4k km last year (from Sept 23 to Sept 24) on a pair of Specialized Sworks Mondos and I didn't have a single flat, so when I needed to get a new pair of tyres, I chose the same ones. However, on the front Mondo, I got a flat this afternoon and there are a few other nasty splits on the tyre elsewhere. It's only got around 1.8k km in it and I don't feel like buying the same tyre to replace it, even though the previous pair did really well. Is my knee-jerk reaction justified or shall I try something else (looking at you, GP5000...).
Ps: Silca sealant did sweet f*** all other than spraying itself all over the bike and my feet...