Fellow dads, Kindle, Kobo, or Apple Books?

Fellow dads, for those of you who read ebooks for yourself as well as your kids, where do you get and read your books from? 

For the past few months, I’ve been AirPlaying books from the Kindle app on my iPhone to our tv for my kids to see the illustrations while I read, as well as having our daughter read BOB books.

For my personal reading, I’ve been switching from reading on my iPhone (using Kindle app) and a physical book before bed (using my iPhone’s flashlight as a reading light). Anyways, I’ve been trying to decide lately which of the three I should read from: Kindle, Kobo, or Apple Books.

I would love to hear what you guys are doing and what you would recommend for a dad wanting to read more. I haven’t read consistently since I was in high school!

The Guided View has been nice for letting my kids see things closer when AirPlaying.