Can you name some smart/famous/successful people who are Dan Carlin fans?

Help: I’m an enthusiastic evangelist for Carlin and Hardcore History, but it’s a hard sell sometimes.

Most people are not predisposed to listening to a 20-hour deep dive on a historical topic, and anyone who is has probably heard of Dan Carlin already.

Additionally, this might be controversial, but I hate the name Hardcore History. It’s easily the GOAT historical podcast and arguably the GOAT podcast period, but the name sounds like it was coined by a high-schooler, and I feel like that hurts my sales pitch.

So I think my new sales pitch will be to present it as the show that all the movers and shakers are listening to, telling potential fans how many super smart/successful people love it.

The only names I can think of are Rick Rubin, Elon Musk, and Lex Fridman.

Anyone else?

EDIT: for those who keep getting hung up on the wording: if you don’t like Rubin/Musk/Fridman or don’t think they’re smart, fine. But they’re successful and famous. The point is to tell people about Dan Carlin, not debate the merits of Elon Musk