Just got to Irithyl how am I doing?

Apologies for the poor capture quality I’m without WiFi for a while.

Don’t spoil or try to get me to change my weapon but am I missing anything important. maybe I’m misunderstanding item effects or stat requirements somewhere. Or if there’s a really cool item I walked past just let me know what it’s called I and I’ll re-scour every area prior to this if I don’t have it.

I had a BLAST in the deep cathedral and the catacombs, nothing has been too hard without also being fun but as soon as I get to Irithyll these guys took off the training wheels. Was I over leveled in the last few places or is Irithyll really just the land of “GET GOOD” high risk high reward?

Apologies for the poor capture quality I’m without WiFi for a while.

Don’t spoil or try to get me to change my weapon but am I missing anything important. maybe I’m misunderstanding item effects or stat requirements somewhere. Or if there’s a really cool item I walked past just let me know what it’s called I and I’ll re-scour every area prior to this if I don’t have it.

I had a BLAST in the deep cathedral and the catacombs, nothing has been too hard without also being fun but as soon as I get to Irithyll these guys took off the training wheels. Was I over leveled in the last few places or is Irithyll really just the land of “GET GOOD” high risk high reward?