How do I get over FWB

I (26F) can’t stop thinking about my ex-FWB (25M), and I really want to get over it. We met on tinder as purely a hookup, and we met up semi-regularly for a few months. He was super kind and communicative, we had great chemistry, were into the same sexual things, and overall enjoyed each others company. I’ve been pretty lonely (moved to a new city recently), so I definitely fantasized about him being more than a FWB, but I knew it was purely casual and never asked for anything more, but I’m aware that I was probably more invested than he was. From my perspective, it ended badly because he asked me to get dinner with him and then ghosted me before we could finish confirming plans. We’d never done anymore more then go to each others apartments, fuck, and then leave (not even a sleepover), so the dinner invite honestly made me excited and hopeful. He sent me a non-apology text trying to excuse his behavior a few weeks later but I never responded.

Anyway, it’s been 2 months since he last texted and I still think about him and the great sex we had several times a week. I literally cannot stop ruminating. I’ve unadded him on all social media, etc, so I am fully no contact, but I can’t stop wishing that he would have liked me and treated me better. How have you gone about getting over something that was strictly casual but was still significant to you? I think he was the best sex I’ve ever had too, so I worry it’s all downhill from here. I want to reach out but I know that I deserve better and shouldn’t.

I have hobbies, a full time job, and some friends so my life isn’t terrible or anything. I’ve tried finding a new FWB and gone on some dates but nothings came of it.

TL;DR How do I get over a FWB that I really shouldn’t care about anymore?