Girl I'm dating going mia because of a personal situation she's dealing with right now, how do I handle this?
I started dating this girl a few months ago and we instantly hit it off. Things were going well until she told me that she's not ready for a relationship right now. She's got some stuff going on in her personal life that she feels prevents her from being relationship material right now. We've continued to see each other casually since (no sex guys) and have really enjoyed each other's company. Anyways, she's been hot and cold texting me from the start but was getting so much better over text recently. That is, until 2 weeks ago... She really went backwards texting wise and barely responds to me at all.
I was getting really frustrated so I reached out to her to see what's going on and apparently she's going through it right now. That thing I mentioned that is precluding her from being ready for a relationship is really getting to her right now. I've tried to comfort her and support her but she is rebutting everything I say. I've learned she kind of has a woe is me mentality when things are bothering her. It doesn't matter how supportive I am being, she's going to find a way to rebut whatever I'm saying. She's extremely hard on herself even with her accomplishments which I've tried to talk to her about. For example, it took her a little longer to finish her degree because she failed at one point and she keeps mentioning that. I told her so what you failed, you did it in the end! She has a really advanced degree that is super hard to get and I told her to stop beating herself up over the fact that it took an extra year, who cares.
Anyways, how do I handle this situation? I like this girl a lot and am trying to be there for her but she's just not having it. I've given her space and that seemed to have worked and she became talkative again but then she fell right back into her spell the next day.