Just watched Inland Empire for the first time

I liked it but I had no idea what the fuck was going on. Great acting, soundtrack, and atmosphere. Laura Dern's/Tidbit performance was the best no wonder Lynch spoke so highly of her. The only thing I didn't like were the jump scares (the one towards the end that's straight up an analog horror distorted face got me good).

I watched Mulholland Dr, Lost Highway, and Blue Velvet, along with Twin Peaks Seasons 1 and 2 previously.

Mulholland and Lost Highway were easier to follow (at least the first halves) and by the end I mostly understood what happened. However I partially spoiled some of the fun of Lynch films by looking up the answers to questions I had. I'm going to try and not do this with Inland and watch it a second time at some point to see if anything else clicks. It's really tempting to go and watch an analysis of Inland on YT right now though.

Not sure what else to say but yeah this movie was nuts but I'm glad I watched it.