New sounds = echolocation hacks
So, yesterday I killed a guy at the tents on the northern end of NWAF runway, two .308s to the chest, easy.
The wild part is, I was basically echolocating like a fucking bat the entire time. I never actually saw him until the moment I pulled the trigger. I just tracked his footsteps from at least 50 meters away, while he was crouch-walking the whole time. I could hear exactly where he was going, was able to loop around, set up the shot in a place I thought he'll be going, and boom, done, all just by hearing his footsteps.
Now, I have no clue why he didn’t hear me too. Maybe he did and just thought I was a zed moving around. But the whole thing felt insane. Footstep audio is cranked up to a ridiculous level right now. If you can pull this off, something’s definitely not set up quite right.
I mean, I’m not complaining, free loot is free loot. But I know the second I die to someone using the exact same tactic, I’m gonna be pissed, because the fact that we’re out here echolocating like dolphins on molly is just absurd.
Still a fun experience tho.