Lyft Black at ATL

Not a Delta related question but since there are a lot of ATL based travelers here…

Lyft Black/limo services have been picking up passengers at LN2 at least for the past year or so that I can remember. Tonight my Lyft Black driver called me to say to meet him at lower level South terminal. He claimed that the police will not allow them to pick up passengers at LN2, which is literally where Lyft directs you to go when you call Lyft Black. I did not want to lug all my shit back to the south terminal and the driver refused to cancel the ride, so he reluctantly came to LN2. While waiting for him I saw 3 other limos pick up passengers here without any issues.

Is this really a new rule? I don’t see why the driver would lie about it since it wouldn’t benefit him in any way to pick up from south vs north terminal… has anyone experienced this recently?