I fucking hate myself
More aware "conscious" than others
Good at drawing, when I have the motivation to
Can be quiet for months without talking
Pink lips
Pink/fusha/brownish-pinkish kitty
Facial Features
- Eyebrows: Fat ass eyebrows.
- Eyes: Black holes for eyes, ugly eye shape.
- Nose: Odd nose.
- Lips: Thin upper lip, crusty lips even though I use vaseline, bad lip to chin ratio.
- Chin: Weak chin.
- Jaw/Face Shape: No ramus (jawline), weird skull shape.
- Hairline: Weird hairline.
Body Shape and Proportions
- Torso: Slightly short torso.
- Height: 5'3
- Thighs: No thigh gap, hip dips.
- Ribs: Flared ribs.
- Feet: Ugly feet.
- Fingers and Nails: Short fingers, all nails have different shapes, weird nailbeds.
- Skin: Weird skin color.
- Hair: Wavy hair with a dry scalp.
- Body Hair: Black hair on arms, hair on fingers.
- Clothing and Appearance: Ugly clothes because I’m poor, looking dirty even though I shower all the time.
- Intelligence: Having the passion but not the smartness, used to be straight-A student.
Body Features (Private)
- Outtie (down there).
- Hair growing out the day after I shave (anywhere: arms, legs, hands, armpits, etc)