Help me, am i making the right Decision?

Am i making the right decision?hi everyone i am from a uni in karachi, and i am quite anxious for my career, am in 4th sem, regarding my career choices.i have choosen Data Science/Machine learning as my domain, and i want to make a career in it, now everyone is doing it, same with mern,i have interest in it and tryign to learn it by myself, like datacamp/udemy/coursra. but i am now being scared by some people and freinds that there are no jobs of Ai in pakistan or only top uni grads get the job,please give me a advice that what should i do in this case. should i like go for mern and then switch or stick with learning ML DS?

also i like CS and programming in general, and also like programming,

i just find Data science/ML more meaningfull and less mazodori and saturated compared to web development.

please guide me