Newly Diagnosed Travel Restrictions?

Hey all! I just got diagnosed yesterday. A year ago my A1C was 5.9. I went on a diet and changed all my eating habits in hopes to not be diabetic. I was 205 lbs, dropped down to 165 lbs.

However. I had high glucose a few days in a row, asked for another A1C, it was 10.6. I had a high glucose of 590. My doctor gave me a diagnosis of Type 2, but he thinks I am actually a Type 1 or 1.5.

Anyway, my question right now to the group is I am supposed to have a two week work trip I leave for in four days. I have a follow up in two days with my doc to do more labs and testing to confirm which type I am officially. Can I expect my doctor to tell me no out of state travel for a while to give us time to figure out my medications and see a specialist? Is that a normal practice, or am I just freaking out given I am finding out I may be a Type 1.5 at 36 years old? It's probably the ladder, but figured I would ask since the information Google has doesn't help the freakout haha.