Unpopular Opinion: Endgame is more broken than ever for casuals.
This season I’ve played more than ever. Created a twisting blades rogue. Got it to level 100.
I can melt 133 helltides and 100 level NMD, but I’ve come to the realization that end game has been designed for those that dump their lives into this and not the casual player.
There is no benefit and nothing fun about spending 30 mins trying to kill a tormented echo only for their damage to stack and one shot you. Then you get nothing, no experience, no other drops, nothing.
They are already 100 levels higher than you, why do they need this? The answer is because the 2-3% that have the meta builds complain anything less is too easy.
Same with the pit at level 159 or the infernal compass tier 6, spend 15 minutes, get nothing.
There is nothing you can do in between casual fan that wants to try a different style and the meta with 4 Ubers and everything three stars.
To remedy this I would suggest the following:
They need the tormented echos to have staged levels like infernals. Maybe Varshawn and Gregorie at 150, Zir and Icey at 175, and Andarial and Duriel at 200.
They need to continue leveling up even if you don’t get any additional benefits- at least give us something to work on.
Allow us to convert the 10s of thousands of common scrap we have into either materials for tempering or mythic shards. Doesn’t have to be cheap, but for the hours we put in at least give us something.
I don’t want start over or completely change my build, nor am I big on teaming up. Any suggestions?