What’s something you always need to think of that able-bodied (or generally non-disabled) people don’t?
I have mild partial paralysis below the waist and reduced sensation in my feet along with circulation issues and muscle weakness and I always have to time walking around other people intensely because if someone’s in my way I will in fact collapse 😭 these legs only work for 30 seconds yall please do not walk in front of me I gotta go fast lmao (light hearted to them), this is why I generally refuse to get out of my chair in public unless necessary even though I can walk because I know other people won’t think of it and I’ve fallen on people a few times before so not wonderful. I have to use my crutches for most appointments and even though they provide good support I still gotta go fast before my legs give out so I move at an above average speed and perish from any obstacles
(No advice please)