Accepted a $2.50 order

Y’all are gonna rip me apart but the drive was on my way home and it wasn’t that far at all, like a 5 minute drive. Normally I don’t get such low offers at all, but i accepted it anyways. They added $1 afterwards only. But yeah they sent a ton of photos to me of the complex, their house number. I joked that that it seemed like they’ve had bad doordash experiences and they said yes, and they said all of this. I’ll update if they do actually send it next week, but they insisted several times that they would. They also gave me their instagram so I could remind them. But yeah they seemed really nice, a young couple that asked through text and in the instructions to not knock due to their sleeping baby. Thoughts?

Y’all are gonna rip me apart but the drive was on my way home and it wasn’t that far at all, like a 5 minute drive. Normally I don’t get such low offers at all, but i accepted it anyways. They added $1 afterwards only. But yeah they sent a ton of photos to me of the complex, their house number. I joked that that it seemed like they’ve had bad doordash experiences and they said yes, and they said all of this. I’ll update if they do actually send it next week, but they insisted several times that they would. They also gave me their instagram so I could remind them. But yeah they seemed really nice, a young couple that asked through text and in the instructions to not knock due to their sleeping baby. Thoughts?