Doordash Tax Confusion

It’s no secret that filing taxes for your doordash income is really confusing, but maybe someone can help clarify this. So, I tried filing on Cash App taxes and the numbers after the standard mileage deduction were not making sense and it said I would owe quite a bit (more than I should though). However, I tried filing on Tax Act and it allowed me to deduct the standard mileage rate, car repair costs, interest on my car loan, property tax on my car, and car insurance. Now it says I have a pretty hefty net loss for my dashing business, so I will actually be getting a decent refund rather than owing. Keep in mind, I do work a full time salary paid job, doordash is just my side hustle. Does anyone know if this is correct? I don’t want to end up getting audited for entering in the information Tax Act told me I could deduct.