Alright settle the fuck down - Let's talk for a second.
EDIT: I was wrong. Dasturnam got doxxed.
There has been a few things going on lately with a member of this subreddit. His account is deleted now, but his former username was Dasturnam. Dast had made a joke in this subreddit about karma farming, into with he allegedly was doxxed and threatened over it. There's a lot of stories to this and people aren't getting the full picture of what he said, so I wanna straighten some things up and also debunk some of the things he's said.
First of all, I am a long time friend of Dasturnam. We met in I believe it was 3rd grade and we've been going strong since. I was the one that convinced him to make his reddit account, which is also the reason as to why it was only 10 days old upon deletion.
Dast was NOT doxxed over reddit. Before the edit to this post, no evidence proving his case was provided that he was truly doxxed however one reddit user did post an address spammed all over here and Upvote. He was banned on downvote pretty quick, not sure about upvote. Don't go looking for the address because it is actually the wrong address, it was *close* to Dasturnam, but a street or two down.
He was threatened though, I'm pretty sure somebody was banned for threatening to kill him or something. I don't have screenshots because again, he's refusing to give them to me, so I'll have to leave that to the mods of this server to confirm/deny if he was actually banned.
I have zero fucking clue why the anti-depressants were thrown in there, but he hasn't told anyone about him ever being on anti-depressants, including me. That's another thing I can't really confirm nor deny because he has never told a fucking soul about this.
The 100 day ban was for an undisclosed reason. He told me he simply forgot, which I never remember how I get banned from things myself so it's believable enough for me.
There's a lot of shit here I can't really confirm or not, if you have any more questions DM me on reddit I'll get back to you, but he was definitely in the wrong on all this. Even if he was doxxed, threatened and on anti-depressants, why the fuck wouldn't he show anyone? This all makes me believe he was just bullshitting so I'll have to get back to you all about this
AMA in DM's. I should reply quick enough.