Having a hard time distinguishing what's actually normal or DPDR 'Normal'
So recently Ive been feeling very odd. I have had days in the past where my DPDR is so strong, like im getting so many physical symptoms and getting so anxious, but recently I feel like its not as strong. Like im having very less physical symptoms? I just kinda feel numb and really tired.
Like i know I still have it cause my vision is still off, I still don't feel completely present in reality and Im still questioning whether its gone or not (I heard I won't need to question it if I am 'normal', cause I will know.)
But I have also been trying my best not to fear DPDR and just accept it. Which I think could have a part in this. Cause thinking about it now, sure sometimes gives me a lot of cold dread, but now im started to get more 'so what' thoughts. Like 'so what if its here'
But basically, my mind is trying to convince me that I'm back to 'normal' even though I know deep down, I know Im not. I dont feel the way I knew 'normal' was/ used to be. But then again its been almost 2 months of constant DPDR so I'm starting to lose the remembrance of what 'normal' felt like, given it has felt like much longer than 2 months (time distortion)
Has anyone experienced this? This experience itself is eerie.. Cause I know im not 'normal' but im not as bad as I was that my mind is convinced otherwise.
Is this part of recovery or am I just having new symptoms?