Is it expensive to change tyre valves?
Happy CNY everyone!
So I went to pump my tyres today and strangely one of my tyre cannot pump. It just keeps giving my error 1 (ER1: Unstable pressure, faulty hose connector. Replace the hose connector.). Even changing to another petrol station’s air pump I get the same error so likely is my tyre’s problem. Each time I try, no air goes in but when removing the pump nozzle the air escapes a little. So I don’t dare to try anymore. It’s still in acceptable range according to my TPMS reading so should be good for until the public holiday is over.
Meanwhile, I have another tyre where the groove is a little worn out (don’t know how) and I always have problems screwing on the TPMS (external kind where it’s like a cap replacement). So I was googling a bit and I realize tyre valve replacement is a thing. Thinking if this is my solution for both my tyres. Anyone knows if this is an expensive service? Just want to gauge the price before I go down to the workshop.
Got it fixed! Went to the workshop and they didn’t even need to change the valve, just the pin. Total cost only $10. Leaving this up here for posterity sake, in case someone else in the future has the same problem.