My snare drum kind of broke?

I got the kit two years ago around February and this is the first time I experience this so I’m kind of lost on what to do

  1. How did this happen? The bottom paper part breaking i think happened because I overtightened it, but how did the white part on the top of the snare get broken like that in the first pic? Is it just because I was playing too hard or is it because the overtight situation?

  2. What do I do? Do I have to but a whole new snare drum or do I buy a separate part for this? And if I buy a separate part please mention what it is called. I’m asking this because money is kind of tight right now and I don’t know if it’s necessary to spend money because the snare drum still works. It doesn’t sound like before now that the bottom paper part is broken but I just need it to practice at home.