It isn’t a war between classes

Okay to an extent, yes it is. The manipulative tactics of the rich that have misled the masses are an aspect to consider. HOWEVER - those manipulative tactics are SO half-assed, and SO blatant, anyone who can tie their shoes has zero excuse as to how they don’t see it from 100 miles away.

And so, that reveals who the struggle is really against, I think. It’s us, vs. the severely unintelligent. The people who see the way the world is, and the direction it is going, and think ‘I like this. This is fine, this is good, and I’m going to contribute to suppressing anyone who doesn’t’. Every day people. Your coworkers. Your parents. The voters. The police. Cuz let’s face it, without all of these morons around, there are really just a few useless, old, out of shape billionaires who don’t know how to do anything. If the war were truly a class war between classes, it would be a couple hundred billionaires vs the entire human species, and they wouldn’t stand a chance. Ultimately, you can say the lower class people who support their ranks were fooled by propaganda and social conditioning. But most people - especially on these matters - don’t tend to lend themselves to open mindedness and reason, so any change on their part is unlikely. They are as firmly team billionaire as Elon Musk is. You’ve got just as good a chance at getting him to come around to our side, as you do most of the idiots who gladly and proudly vote against their own best interest every single time they’re given an opportunity to.

The problem isn’t just billionaires, and corrupt politicians. The problem is, you’re outnumbered. Severely. Go against the system more than the politicians are comfortable with, and the people at the local McDonald’s will snitch you out, and the police will show up and take you down. And if you managed to be so superhumanly powerful you manhandled the police force, the army would show up, and every single person in the country would look out for your face in the streets, to call it in. The same people who roll their eyes at you or back away slowly or scoff at you when you start making too much sense, socially, in everyday conversation.

It isn’t a class war. It’s a battle between the sensible, the reasonable, the intelligent… and the severely unintelligent, the hatefully destructive, and the deeply committed to this system. Those who get it, and those who do not.