...the most beautiful thing...

I was fortunate enough to be on tour with my friends Grandaddy when they were opening for Elliott's Figure 8 Tour in 2000.

This tour was 25 years ago and I still remember it like yesterday --- one of those rare moments that never fades away.

I was backstage and stumbled on Elliott warming up for the show. In this dimly lit room it was just a soft silhouette of Elliott playing his guitar. I paused, took a deep breath and tried to comprehend what i was hearing. I remember closing my eyes and Elliott's voice combined with his guitar was filling the room with magic...

I've probably heard thousands of musical performances in my lifetime. But, that one lucky moment of me stumbling upon Elliott playing his guitar was so beautiful --- i just stood in awe, kinda stunned, as I listened to something we have all experienced and felt. That feeling of being moved in the core of our being by Elliott's music. So incredible, so real, so raw, so delicate, so wonderful, and so powerful....

ok, blah blah blah brag.. I'm talking to the choir about his music. Anyhow, my life doesn't always feel too lucky, but I am so extremely lucky to experience that moment. I also got to see about 7 other shows on this Figure 8 tour and his music still moves me to this day. Whenever I hear an Elliott song my mind always wanders back to that moment in Chicago that is burned into my synapses.

This was way before cell phone videos so I would've probably recorded it. Or, totally ruined the moment because I was too busy recording it to let it sink in. Anyhow, I was telling my daughter about this and I then realized I might have some old video tapes of this tour from backstage and on stage from some shows between NY and KY of 2000.

Anyone else have some life-changing-Elliott-moments?

Thank you Elliott... <3