synesthesia art
(disclaimer: This is cropped, it’s an actual canvas I just wasn’t sure if it looked like it wasn’t lol)
Hi, I have several different types of synesthesia, particularly where I feel colors and or shapes for music/people. Elliot smith is probably my favorite music artist ever, and this was the first painting I did to externalize the feelings I get from synesthesia.
I watch interviews and listen to music when doing these paintings; for this one I really only listened to his music on repeat and I feel like I captured “him” the best that I could have.
I hope some of you might like it! :))
(disclaimer: This is cropped, it’s an actual canvas I just wasn’t sure if it looked like it wasn’t lol)
Hi, I have several different types of synesthesia, particularly where I feel colors and or shapes for music/people. Elliot smith is probably my favorite music artist ever, and this was the first painting I did to externalize the feelings I get from synesthesia.
I watch interviews and listen to music when doing these paintings; for this one I really only listened to his music on repeat and I feel like I captured “him” the best that I could have.
I hope some of you might like it! :))