Nervous about an outbreak at a residential facility I'm staying at
I'm currently staying at an eating disorder treatment center, where they're aware of my struggles with OCD, ARFID, fear of V, etc.
Today, one of the clients had to discharge due to issues with insurance and oversleeping. Her girlfriend was recently sick with NV, having worked at a senior home where there was an outbreak, and just started feeling better today, so, she could come pick her up. I informed the client that people who start feeling better are still contagious for about 3 days after, so, she called the GF and suggested she wait outside in the car.
My anxiety over this was really bad earlier, so, I had to check in with one of the recovery coaches, which helped ease me quite a lot; when it was time for my family therapy session, I informed my therapist what's been distressing me lately, and I said if I weren’t here and at home instead with such a thing bothering me, I'd already start restricting; of course, here, we're expected to eat and complete every meal. She reminded me that an illness would be less worse than destroying your own body from malnutrition and dehydration.
The GF had one of those flimsy masks doctors/dentists always wear when she showed up at the door, stepped in a few times to carry out some of the client's luggage, along with a fellow client (who's middle-aged) helping a bit. The couple even hugged, before the client went on to interact with the boss, handing over a phone and passing back and forth an iPad. The GF kindly stepped out of my parents' way as they exited the house; I was told she didn't touch anything but the bags, and now, she and the client are masked. The reason the client is staying at her house is because she has nowhere else to go for now. :(
Of course, I’m still thinking about the worst outcome, being an NV outbreak in the middle of a residential facility where we're getting the help we need with eating more regularly again.