My dog died and my husband got sick

Not censoring**

My dog died unexpectedly today. It’s been a really tough day. My husband is not taking it well. I have never seen him so upset/cry so much. He almost never cries and he’s been non stop crying today (understandably, that dog was a child to us). He said he wound up with a migraine because of all the crying/sinus pressure and then wound up throwing up. So now I’m grieving/sad and also panicking, which is not a great combo. I do believe he only puked because of the migraine, but my brain is saying that you can’t get a migraine from that so it must be a coincidental stomach bug. Also, he’s never puked from a migraine before. I know I need to be there for him because he’s not taking this loss well at all but now I’m afraid he’s sick and I’m worried either I or my son will catch it. I gave him a zofran and he fell asleep.

I know nobody here can tell me if he’s sick or not, but can someone knock some sense into me and tell me to get over myself and support my grieving husband? Like puking can’t be as bad as losing my beloved dog. I hate this phobia. Also, can crying too much give you a migraine?