How to deal with loneliness from leaving christianity?
I'm 20F and I've been an atheist for like 2 years now, and I just feel so lonely from leaving the church. I grew up in the church and my entire life has been surrounded by the christian faith. 2 years ago, i started going less and less to church but i lost a lot of my friends and i can see how much im hurting my parents when i don't join them to go to church. I also lost my boyfriend a week ago, someone that i've known since i was like 5, because of our differences in religious standpoints. I got more and more atheistic and he got more and more christian. He broke up with me because he doesnt wanna participate in the "sinful" life we had, and he doesnt think its smart to continue our relationship without physical intimate things. So i lost my community, a lot of my friends, im hurting my family, and i lost the man that i love. I feel so lonely and there is nobody in my life i can talk to about this. Does anyone have had any similar experiences or can anyone give any tips on how to deal with this shit?