Where do children learn to throw rocks ?

So I have had rocks thrown at me in upstate NY by a bunch of hassidic kids while delivering groceries to their community members. Me and a friend both Jewish but my friend was black had just dropped a delivery off and spotted a frisbee laying in the street so we tossed it back and forth a few times. Suddenly I hear “GANIFF, SHVARTZA!!!” And rocks are coming at us it was a group of at least 10 kids screaming and throwing stuff at us and we got tf outta there. This past shabbos my mother was talking about how terrorism is a cultural issue and a learned problem I brought up that lots of cultures have crazy people it’s not necessarily a group problem for example throwing rocks is also a learned thing because kids don’t just throw rocks at people unless it’s being allowed encouraged or they think it’s okay because of how you talk about certain people but I don’t go around saying Jews have a cultural rock throwing problem she get very angry and started to tell me it never happens but then when I brought up that it literally happened to me she started think of excuses for this behavior “they’re scared of black people because of the Brooklyn race riots…” and things of such nature. I even brought up that if a rock hit me in the head it could’ve done serious harm and she said “well did it?” In an accusing tone like wtf I thought our moms are supposed to want us to be safe but I guess not when you’re not religious. Anyway what do you guys think ? Where did this behavior come from and why is not more cracked down upon is it a cultural issue or a parenting issue ?