What non-kosher restaurant did you pop your cherry with
sorry for the explicit title lol i was discussing this with my brother and sister-in-law who are OTD as well and figured i’d ask yall as well.
my SIL recalled being at a more upscale bar and ordering some non-kosher food and semi-justifying it in her mind on grounds of it being “just pareve.” she then proceeded throw it all up later that night and said she is certain it was a shame-induced psychosomatic queasiness, rather than anything to do with the quality of the food.
mine wasn’t nearly as dramatic (thankfully). this rabbi had a youth center for kids who were at-risk of being OTD to hang out at and there happened to be a burger king next door. the tv commercials i used to see at the bowling alley made it look so damn good and, unsurprisingly, i was left very entirely underwhelmed. i had no shame though, i was likely 14/15 years old had already successfully severed the internal shame associated with averiahs.
curious to hear what yall first experiences where like