Is the Purim story True? (Spoiler) No!
In response to if I can elaborate on why we know the Purim story isn’t true.
Years ago I spent a lot of time researching this because it was one of things that led to my deconversion. So I felt it would be better to do a separate post.
The first issue is the dates do not line up.
To start we have to answer a very basic question, what year did the story happen in? According to most Orthodox Jews including chabad they’ll tell you it was in the year 356 BCE (3405 Jewish calendar). However they’ll also tell you that the story occurred during the exile so in other words before 538 BCE (when the exile ended) This is obviously contradiction as 356 BCE is way after the temple was rebuilt. (We count down in BCE and up in CE) The window for the timeline for when the story could have occurred is actually tiny, 539 when Belshazzar died and 538 BCE when the exile ended, but 521 BCE if you want to stretch it to when the temple was rebuilt.
Even if we ignore contemporary Jewish thought, Vashti was supposedly the daughter of Belshazzar (source Med Rabba Esth 3:5) and granddaughter of Nebuchadnezzar so the latest she could have been born was 539 BCE (making her at least 183 in 356 BCE btw) so now we can look at which Persian rulers could have realistically been Ahasuerus during the window she was alleged to have lived and show that each candidate was not.
Here’s the timeline: Cyrus the Great defeated Belshazzar and ruled until 530 BCE. His son Cambyses II ruled until 522 BCE. Darius the Great ruled from 522 BCE until 486 BCE. His son Xerxes I ruled from 486 to 465 BCE.
So realistically the last king Ahasuerus could have been is Xerxes I, because Vashti would have been 74 at a minimum when he died.
The problem is according to the Purim story Ahasuerus had no claim to the throne, in fact the Talmud (Meg 12b) says Ahasuerus was a stableboy for Belshazzar, except Xerxes I did have a claim, and definitely was not a stable boy, his father was Darius the great and his mother was Atossa the daughter of Cyrus the great. We also know his wife, Amestris. And she was the daughter of Otanes not Belshazzar. We also know she outlived Xerxes I and lived to see her son Artaxerxes I become king. (Died in 424 BCE) So definely not Vashti.
What about Darius? Well Darius did take power in a coup he also did have royal blood, his grandfather was Arsames who was king. He also had lots of wives, Atossa mother of Xerxes I being primary. Atossa was clearly not Vashti because we know her father. (Cyrus) Artystone was also a sister to Atossa so it’s not her either. Phaidyme was also a daughter of Otanes so it’s not her. Parmys was the daughter of Bardiya (who was son of Cyrus the great). Phratagune was the daughter of Artanes (Darius’s brother) He was also married to a daughter of his friend.
Could it be Cambyses II who was Ahasuerus? Well he definitely had a claim to the throne as he was son of Cyrus the Great either way we know he married his sisters…
Could it be Cyrus the Great? Cyrus the great is recorded in the Torah, as he allowed the return of Jews to Israel and to rebuild the temple. Either way we know his parents, Cambyses I and his mother Astyages. His wife was Cassandane who was the daughter of Pharnaspes and mother to Atossa and Cambyses II so clearly not Ahasuerus and Vashti.
So none of them fit with the Torah narrative. Plus all their history, all their accomplishments and defeats are all recorded and well preserved, nothing even remotely like the story of Purim appears anywhere outside the Torah.
Bonus: we also know Daniel gave a prophecy that Darius the Mede would take over Belshazzars Babylonian kingdom and that of course didn’t happen, It was Cyrus the Great. Kinda like how we just accepted that Titus died from a fly eating his brain when we know he most definitely did not.