It’s relentless. How are you all coping?

I wish the media or a federal employee union would put up a daily list of agency actions.

Just in the last week at my agency—

Last Friday: thousands of employees unceremoniously fired.

Saturday: the five bullets email

Monday: dealing with conflicting instructions and consequences for not replying to five bullets email from Leon, the prez, OPM, our Department, our Agency management, and immediate management. Total chaos as clarifications and instructions were being pushed out late into the afternoon.

Tuesday: top agency executive (the best I’ve ever worked for) resigns

Wednesday: OPM reduction in force memo drops

Thursday: return to work announced (ignores the union contract, of course), also announced that dozens of field offices would be closed imminently.

Can’t wait to see what fresh new hell today and the weekend brings.

Healthy coping strategies are welcome.