Questions we need answered

If our DNA is mutated/changed does it ever go back to normal over time?

If our collagen synthesis is shut down does it ever go back to normal over time? What about mitochondria?

If certain vitamin like magnesium are deficient does it ever return to normal over time?

If our gaba receptors are damaged do they every recover over time?

Does our CNS and nerves recover over time? What about our senses and nuero/nuerotransmitter function?

Do our muscles, joints and tendons ever return to normal strength and function over time?(this one seems to be possible for sure from what I have seen but still would like to discuss time frames)

I have been affected very harshly from these drugs and I know many others have as well. I am trying to understand more about how we can recover and if its possible to recover from all of these issues over time.