Lando asking the 'important' question to Carlos' Instagram post
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\nWhen you have that one clothing item you love but your mates start making fun of it.
\n\nHappens to the best of us
\nThe funny thing is Carlos IS a sustainable operator for being an outfit repeater. So Lando shouldn't even be surprised anymore.
\nAnd I give myself the title of "hero of nature" when repeating an outfit counts as "being sustainable". Like that comment is totally ridiculous.
\nHe\u2019s an outfit repeater by choice, I\u2019m an outfit repeater because I am poor.
\n\u201cHey look that\u2019s the same sweatshirt you had on in the other picture\u201d
\n\nWell gotta retire this bad boy.
\nFerrari hoodie for me \ud83e\udd24
\nCarlos also replied to him "I'll send u a signed one" lol i love them sm
\naren't that just their social media managers replying to each other? I think some of the drivers don't even look at their socials that much
\nnot always, no. especially the younger drivers they use their social media themselves, not through a manager
\nDavid Coulthard yes. I doubt these youngster wanna miss out the social fun and trolls
\nActual good one lol
\nLano \ud83e\udd7athis has no fish
\nNear a fish ;-)
\nFuck i forgot
\nAnd Carlos replied with smtg like 'I will send you a signed one' \ud83d\ude2d
\nI miss Carlando. Those McLaren unboxed videos were great at cheering you up when you felt down. You have to go back to Senna and Berger or probably even Hawthorne and Collins to find teammates like Lando and Carlos were. No wonder Lando was Soy Lago when Carlos left.
\nMax and Daniel?
\nCarlos knew what Lando was gonna say and already reacted accordingly
\nIn reality, man has 7 hats, one for each day of the week.
\nlol. Lando loves stirring sht (playfully as usual)
\nThey\u2019re literally close friends lol. I remember Lando straight up crying when Carlos was leaving.
\nYep. Lando is a good guy. I like science too.
\nCommerce was always more my thing, but I suppose Science is cool as well.
\nSame thing happens when I buy the kids a new coat. The wear it for a few days non stop. Convinced they sleep in it
\nwhy do his arms look so long in this pic lol
\nI don't get it.
\nHe wore it in almost every picture of the photo dump
\nWell, someone has to...
\nLink to the hat? I dig
\nMan the hate is insane. Lando asking his freind a funny question and this comment section...
\nThis comment section, here on reddit you mean? Mate there are like 10 comments ATM, no actual hate, stop inventing.
\nInternet hate gets blown up sometimes (a lot) but I don't know where you're getting this from about this comment section being awful. There's like one mild comment calling him a rich kid, and literally every other comment is laughing along with Lando's joke.
\nLol don't you remember how this place was the moment Lando got put in the spotlight last year?\u00a0
\nHe has had very bad luck, I think Ferrari is really going to regret kicking Sainz... And on the other hand Saint will take the Williams team and raise it to where it needs to be.\ud83c\udfce\ufe0f\ud83c\udfce\ufe0f
\nSuper rich kid making fun of his friend for wearing the same cap twice
\nthey are all super rich brother
\nof course, that's just the impression he gives
\nYou've got some insecurities to figure out.
\nOh no, how horrible
\nHot take: I bet Sainz in last year McLaren would take championship unlike Norris
\nPeople talk about this like the first third of the season didn't happen. Max won seven of the first ten races, the fact anyone got near enough for it to be even a little bit possible is crazy.
\nYou can completely ignore the points from the first part of the season when the Red Bull was dominant, and Max would still win. The fact Lando wasn\u2019t able to overtake him in a faster car for most of the season is wild.
\nThis is an extreme oversimplification of the performance of all these cars. Spa and Austria were the only real shoulda woulda coulda races for McLaren. The Red Bull didn't really fall off until after Spain, but folks will point at Checo and say it was after Japan.
\nThe Red Bull was not a dominant car after Miami. (I\u2019d actually argue after China, where Lando finished P2). After that, they were evenly matched and starting to fall behind McLaren for several races, are you saying the car hadn\u2019t already fallen off in Monaco?? What about Canada? Saying the Red Bull didn\u2019t fall off until Austria is ridiculous. McLaren had realistic chances to (or did) beat Max in Miami, Imola, Monaco, Canada, and Spain. And even if you go starting in Austria, that\u2019s less than half the season, so Lando did have a faster car for longer.
\n\nAnd again, if you completely ignore that first third and start the season in Monaco, Max would still win. Lando had plenty of time in a fast car to catch up, but he and McLaren weren\u2019t able to take advantage of it.
\nBad take.
\n\nDon't get me wrong, I like Carlos, and I wish he gets a championship one day. But Lando was already beating him at the end of his second year in F1. I doubt Carlos beats him today.
\nLol no he wasn't. Their second year Sainz had a faulty chassis during several races until McLaren discovered it, and lost loads of points. And even with that he beat Norris.
\nRe-read my comment. Norris was beating him by the end of the season. His qualifying pace was better, and he was getting better in the races at the end of the season.
\n\nAnd he did beat him in qualifying over all the 2020 season too.
\n\nAnd I reiterate, I'm a Carlos fan too. He's very good, but Lando's better and it was starting to show back then.
\n\u2018Had a faulty chassis during several races\u2019 - It was literally only faulty at one race and that was the 70th Anniversary GP.
\nThat's not true, his car was running systematically hotter, and it took several races to fix:
\n\n\n\n"It also emerged after last weekend\u2019s race that his MCL35 was struggling with a cooling problem which forced the team to open up his car\u2019s bodywork, a move that leads to a loss of aerodynamic performance.
\n\n\u201cAt the moment, we haven\u2019t really solved the issue, we still see some discrepancies across the two cars,\u201d he said having run the new McLaren chassis on Friday for an 11th place finish in FP1 before an improved FP2 showing."
\n\nMcLaren has yet to identify the source of the cooling issues impacting Carlos Sainz's car since Silverstone, despite a chassis change that has not solved the problem.
\n\nLast weekend, Sainz's MCL35 was running several degrees hotter than the sister car of Lando Norris, forcing the team to open up the MCL35's cooling ducts, a change that impacted the McLaren's aerodynamics.
\n\nHaving failed to trace the source of the issue, McLaren rebuilt Sainz's car around a new monocoque. Unfortunately to no avail.
\n\nAt the moment, we haven't really solved the issue," Sainz said after Friday's practice at Barcelona.
\n\n"We still see some discrepancies across the two cars, especially with my car obviously we're having to run still with more cooling on the car, which costs quite a lot of lap time around here.
\n\u2018Several races\u2019
\n\nSainz outqualified and finished ahead of Norris at Barcelona. It took one race to fix.
\n\n\nAnd do you know what the problem turned out to be? The engine that he used the first part of the season. Yes, during several races
\n\u2018During several races\u2019 - The overheating issues were only present at the 70th Anniversary GP. There were literally NO reports of reduced power at any of the prior races. Sainz was ahead of Norris before a puncture due to poor tyre management in Silverstone.
\n\nI don\u2019t even know why this is being brought up when Norris is so obviously better than Sainz today.
\nAnd what a coincidence, after the engine change he performed better compared to before. \nNorris was clearly beaten by Sainz yet it's so obvious that he's better, sure lol
\n\nLet me guess, Norris did the big step as soon as Sainz left the team.
\nHe was still out-qualified and outraced on multiple occasions AFTER the engine swap. You are literally just speculating when there isn\u2019t a shred of evidence proving Sainz had an inferior chassis prior to the 70th Anniversary GP. Norris outperformed him on merit dumbass \ud83d\ude02
\n\nNorris is better than Sainz RIGHT NOW. He was out-qualifying Sainz as a ROOKIE; grow some braincells and try to understand how that makes him a far more talented driver lmfao
\nMy hot take is that he would have won a couple more races for sure. Not sure about the championship.
\nYikes. Better pack it up
\nWhy does the caption give off the vibe of something a girl after a break up would wear?