Fortigate DNS over TLS using Google/Cloudfare - DNS Filter Rating Servers list shows no entries.

I moved to using DNS over TLS with Google and Cloudflare servers, which works fine.

However, I have noticed that the DNS Filter Rating Servers on the right of the DNS config page no longer shows any rating servers and their latency.

Anycast is disabled and before the switching away from fortiguard dns server it show a list of about 10 servers.

Just wanted to make sure there isn't anything else I need to do when switching dns providers in regaurds to connections to rating servers.


EDIT: Now a couple of servers have come up in the list and say Unreachable

EDIT2: not sure if this is just a GUI visibility issue. The 2 that show up unreachable are the same unreachable ones on my other firewalls. This firmware is 7.2.9, other firewalls are slightly different.

diagnose test application dnsproxy 3

Everything looks the same on this firewall vs the other ones.

worker idx: 0
VDOM: root, index=0, is primary, vdom dns is enabled, pip- dns_log=1
dns64 is disabled
DNS servers: vrf=0 tz=0 encrypt=dot req=8 to=5 res=3 rt=43 ready=1 timer=0 probe=0 failure=0 last_failed=0 vrf=0 tz=0 encrypt=dot req=15 to=2 res=13 rt=2 ready=1 timer=0 probe=0 failure=0 last_failed=0
SDNS servers: vrf=0 tz=-480 encrypt=none req=0 to=0 res=0 rt=1494 ready=0 timer=1296 probe=32 failure=0 last_failed=0 vrf=0 tz=-480 encrypt=none req=0 to=0 res=0 rt=2 ready=1 timer=0 probe=0 failure=0 last_failed=0 vrf=0 tz=-480 encrypt=none req=0 to=0 res=0 rt=1494 ready=0 timer=1296 probe=32 failure=0 last_failed=0 vrf=0 tz=540 encrypt=none req=0 to=0 res=0 rt=7 ready=1 timer=0 probe=0 failure=0 last_failed=0 vrf=0 tz=300 encrypt=none req=0 to=0 res=0 rt=21 ready=1 timer=0 probe=0 failure=0 last_failed=0 vrf=0 tz=-480 encrypt=none req=0 to=0 res=0 rt=1 ready=1 timer=0 probe=0 failure=0 last_failed=0 vrf=0 tz=60 encrypt=none req=0 to=0 res=0 rt=10 ready=1 timer=0 probe=0 failure=0 last_failed=0 vrf=0 tz=0 encrypt=none req=0 to=0 res=0 rt=9 ready=1 timer=0 probe=0 failure=0 last_failed=0 vrf=0 tz=480 encrypt=none req=0 to=0 res=0 rt=16 ready=1 timer=0 probe=0 failure=0 last_failed=0 vrf=0 tz=-300 encrypt=none req=0 to=0 res=0 rt=5 ready=1 timer=0 probe=0 failure=0 last_failed=0 vrf=0 tz=-360 encrypt=none req=0 to=0 res=0 rt=4 ready=1 timer=0 probe=0 failure=0 last_failed=0 vrf=0 tz=600 encrypt=none req=0 to=0 res=0 rt=14 ready=1 timer=0 probe=0 failure=0 last_failed=0
ALT servers:
Interface selecting method: sdwan
Specified interface: 
FortiGuard interface selecting method: sdwan
FortiGuard specified interface: 

DNS_CACHE: hash-size=2048, ttl=1800, min-ttl=60, max-num=5000
DNS FD: udp_s=7 udp_c=18:19 ha_c=23 unix_s=8, unix_nb_s=24, unix_nc_s=9
        v6_udp_s=6, v6_udp_c=21:22, snmp=25, redir=14, v6_redir=15
DNS FD: tcp_s=10, tcp_s6=11, redir=27 v6_redir=28
DNS UNIX FD: dnsproxy_un=29
server=, expiry=0000-00-00, expired=1, type=0
server=, expiry=2025-06-28, expired=0, type=2
server=, expiry=0000-00-00, expired=1, type=0
server=, expiry=2025-06-28, expired=0, type=2
server=, expiry=2025-06-28, expired=0, type=2
server=, expiry=2025-06-28, expired=0, type=2
server=, expiry=2025-06-28, expired=0, type=2
server=, expiry=2025-06-28, expired=0, type=2
server=, expiry=2025-06-28, expired=0, type=2
server=, expiry=2025-06-28, expired=0, type=2
server=, expiry=2025-06-28, expired=0, type=2
server=, expiry=2025-06-28, expired=0, type=2
SERVER_LDB: gid=5d4b, tz=-480, error_allow=0