Success: FreeBSD gave another life for my ancient laptop
So previously, on my sony vaio VPCEH2J1R I was running Debian, and experience was awful - generally laggy system, impossible to run old nvidia-390 drivers, no video hardware decoding.. the laptop was useful as a brick.
Yet, I saw nvidia-driver-390 and decided, I should try running FreeBSD. So I grab FreeBSD 14.2-RELEASE installation media, proceeded with UFS GELI encrypted scheme following this post on forum (I will link in comments).
Installed base system, configured. Then grabbed ports tree from git, builded kernel modules (nvidia-driver-390, realtek-re-kmod) from ports. Installed xfce4. And guess what - IT JUST WORKS! Note that nvidia gt 410m is all video this laptop has to offer.
I plan to use this laptop as a thin client for RDP/VNC to my cluster VMs.