Freedom Watch Plans online
New customer here. I messaged support about adding a Watch line. They told me there’s a $45 connection fee, dayum. I go to the website and I see an option to add a Watch plan there, where it says online orders save the $45 fee. Furthermore, when I check out, it says AutoPay is selected and save an additional $5. However, these are contrary to what the terms and conditions indicate.
$5 Autopay discount isn’t eligible for tablet and watch plans. But, I figured let me try to check out anyway then see what the contract says. But it just errors out. So not sure if it’s even possible to order a Watch line from the website, since they don’t offer stand alone plans like Bell or Telus. I messaged them again and they tell me the plan can only be added from the phone with the Watch app. Since this isn’t through the website, there will be a connection charge, but they will waive it for it. Can they be trusted to honour this?
$10 isn’t bad, but $5 is chump change.