I hope we lose colas - hear me out
COLAs only help when:
They are in YOUR bank accounts
There is rare extreme inflation (70s, 2020s)
They actually keep up with inflation
If we no longer received COLAs, that would just be replaced by higher general wage increases.
That would be distributed equally throughout the entire table.
No longer would we have to differentiate between full COLAs and proportional (diet) COLAs.
They could no longer hide behind wage “gains” when they include 500+ days of COLAs not in your account, and “projected” COLAs.
Even top step gets diet COLAs, as inflation eats away that full COLA when they drag out negotiations and backpay.
Instead, we could negotiate higher general wage increases the longer it takes to complete negotiations and backpay.
A higher general wage increase would be seen on every paycheck. COLAs are only distributed twice a year.
The post office knows this. They know your compensation package doesn’t actually keep up with inflation.
That’s why they’ve “allowed” you to work more overtime. That’s why they’ve “allowed” you to sell back vacation as long as you don’t get sick.
You cant afford to get sick, and you can’t afford to go on vacation.
These contracts are sold as wins, but the goal and formula is to keep you on the hamster wheel for as long as possible.
Part of that formula is making you believe COLAs are somehow the most important part of a contract.
They aren’t even a raise.
COLAs only help when:
They are in YOUR bank accounts
There is rare extreme inflation (70s, 2020s)
They actually keep up with inflation
If we no longer received COLAs, that would just be replaced by higher general wage increases.
That would be distributed equally throughout the entire table.
No longer would we have to differentiate between full COLAs and proportional (diet) COLAs.
They could no longer hide behind wage “gains” when they include 500+ days of COLAs not in your account, and “projected” COLAs.
Even top step gets diet COLAs, as inflation eats away that full COLA when they drag out negotiations and backpay.
Instead, we could negotiate higher general wage increases the longer it takes to complete negotiations and backpay.
A higher general wage increase would be seen on every paycheck. COLAs are only distributed twice a year.
The post office knows this. They know your compensation package doesn’t actually keep up with inflation.
That’s why they’ve “allowed” you to work more overtime. That’s why they’ve “allowed” you to sell back vacation as long as you don’t get sick.
You cant afford to get sick, and you can’t afford to go on vacation.
These contracts are sold as wins, but the goal and formula is to keep you on the hamster wheel for as long as possible.
Part of that formula is making you believe COLAs are somehow the most important part of a contract.
They aren’t even a raise.