Green timed finishing ruins the game
I stopped playing FC25 back in October when COD came out. Started playing again and thought I’d get back into champs. I’m currently going 8-4 but the game I just lost is the exact reason why this game is still fucking shit.
I’ve played someone who has passed around my box the whole game with the aim to get in a position where he can green time trivelas that loop over my 6’6 Courtois and infect him with some sort of disability.
Why is this still in the game? Do people actually enjoy this meta style gameplay? The guy wasn’t even that bad he would have given me a good game but I lost 5-4 with 4 of his goals being trivelas.
Timed finishing is also way to overpowered the goals you can score are ridiculous. Moving the keeper is another cancerous mechanic but I’ll save that for another day.
Why is this still a thing?
(Edit: everyone talking about how it creates a skill gap please tell me how 🤣 Learning a muscle memory mechanic vs learning to pass your way to score goals, baffling)