Why do my tomatoes look upset?
It's the end of summer in Australia. Tomatoes are starting to fruit but all the leaves look upset? Advice please.
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He looks thirsty.
\nPots are too small and should only have one plant per container.
\nThe leaves curl up like that when the plants are in "distress". It's a protective stance. Either overwatering or too much heat are possibilities. I live in Texas and they start doing that in late July, early August. I see someone said you have too many plants in one container. That may be the 'distress'. Tomato plants are supposed to be about 12 inches apart.
\nLooks like they\u2019re still in their tray. Perhaps they\u2019re rootbound and ready for transplant.
\nIf it's the end of the summer, why are they still in startup pots? \nWhen tomatoes begin to fruit, it indicates the beginning of their death. As annual plants, the tomatoes produce the seeds that if left in place, would fall to the ground and sprout the next year in proper conditions. When you leave them in small pots as is shown in your picture, they don't have proper soil or nutrients and death starts rapidly. They will produce tiny fruits in an attempt to set offspring for the following year. Unfortunately, it's too late for these. Why did you not plant them in the ground or a raised bed or a grow container, you left them root bound in startup pots. What did you think they were going to do?
\nIt's the end of summer in Australia. Tomatoes are starting to fruit but all the leaves look upset? Advice please.
It's the end of summer in Australia. Tomatoes are starting to fruit but all the leaves look upset? Advice please.