Guess what year I was born in
-Gen x parents but boomer/gen x cusper stepdad -Best friend had DS when I was a preteen, I had a PS2 as a kid and Wii as a preteen -Loved watching Hannah Montana as a kid and Victorious as a preteen -Remember going to DVD rental stores as a kid -Collected a lot of CDs growing up -Britney Spears played on the radio as a kid -Loved Dork Diaries books as a preteen -As a kid & preteen I loved Lindsay Lohan movies and Emma Roberts movies -As a kid I loved Pink and Lady Gaga and Spice Girls, as a preteen Katy Perry and Fifth Harmony and One Direction -Read teen magazines a lot as a preteen and young teen -Had a tamagotchi as a kid -Grew up with a box TV until age 9 or 10