Solution to host and install python package installation on self-hosted GitLab instance
I have a Gitlab selfhosted instance on my NAS in a docker.
I publish there some internal python libraries. But for the moment the install process is quite diffcult,
I first download the wheel i want to install via wget, and then install it via pip.
It is complicated to find the right api link and the double process, wget and pip also.
Is anyone has a solution ?
I heard about a local Pypi server in my Gitlab, or a Artifactory like jfrog one but I'm a little bit lost there.
What solution do you advice ?
wget --header="PRIVATE-TOKEN: <MyPrivateToken>" "http://mylocaladdress:8080/api/v4/projects/58/repository/files/dist%2FExamplePyLib-0.0.4-py3-none-any.whl/raw?ref=main" -O ExamplePyLib-0.0.4-py3-none-any.whl
pip install ExamplePyLib-0.0.4-py3-none-any.whl