Shut up and Ruck Programming

Starting Week 3 today so far so good when it comes to the program & consistency. Overall the only thing I can say I am struggling with is the obvious stress/soreness associated with lifting that close to your 1RM for so many reps. Has anyone used a sauna/cold plunge or showers as a form of recovery to help and aid in the process? If so, did you see any real difference in your training? Enjoying the challenge overall and any feedback is appreciated!

Another Quick question. I showed some of my work friends the program and their immediate response was “training Squats and deadlifts that heavy is just cause for injury and not smart”. Why is it that people only adhere to one compound lift/the ideology that training “differently” isn’t going to equal results? I guess this is a bit of a rant but if anyone is better at articulating why this is the best way to better prepare for SFAS I’d love to hear it.