My first pedalboard - which fuzz would you recommend?
That’s my first pedalboard. Before I did a lot of effects on the computer, either in the studio or at home, but now that I’m finally playing my music live, I’ve put together this setup (there’s a Pigtronix Moon Pool phaser/tremolo on the way to fill in the gap after the Hot Rod). Now I’m thinking about whether a fuzz is missing or not… I love distortion, it might be great for leads or to fry the air after the reverb. What I’m playing is mostly inspired by progressive indie music, and this board is to let me play this live as well as for being more creative while recording. ( that’s the stuff I’m doing should you require a sample. Other tips and recommendations are welcome as well! (chain: single coil guitar, like strat or some vintage Aria into Sentry noise gate > CS-3 compressor > Strymon Sunset dual overdrive > Rat > Hot Rod > Moon Pool > Arion vintage chorus > Corona chorus emulating a Roland > Boss DD-7 > RV-7 reverb > UAFX Ruby/Dream as my amp)
That’s my first pedalboard. Before I did a lot of effects on the computer, either in the studio or at home, but now that I’m finally playing my music live, I’ve put together this setup (there’s a Pigtronix Moon Pool phaser/tremolo on the way to fill in the gap after the Hot Rod). Now I’m thinking about whether a fuzz is missing or not… I love distortion, it might be great for leads or to fry the air after the reverb. What I’m playing is mostly inspired by progressive indie music, and this board is to let me play this live as well as for being more creative while recording. ( that’s the stuff I’m doing should you require a sample. Other tips and recommendations are welcome as well! (chain: single coil guitar, like strat or some vintage Aria into Sentry noise gate > CS-3 compressor > Strymon Sunset dual overdrive > Rat > Hot Rod > Moon Pool > Arion vintage chorus > Corona chorus emulating a Roland > Boss DD-7 > RV-7 reverb > UAFX Ruby/Dream as my amp)