Imp Warlock to legend. Switched to Undead Priest at the end. AMA

Just got legend for the first time. I played Imp Warlock from D7, had a 12 winstreak to around D3. Lost one game then had another winstreak to D1-1. I lost the last game to legend, started switching decks playing all versions of Warlock and some Control Priest. Fell down to D4. Started playing Imp Warlock again. When I got to D1-3 i switched to Undead Priest. Lost the game to legend 2 times. On the third time i won against a Paladin deck running all those Silverhand Recruit buff legendaries and finally got legend.

If you have any questions just ask :)


Class: Warlock

Format: Standard

Year of the Wolf

2x (1) Flame Imp

2x (1) Flustered Librarian

2x (1) Void Virtuoso

1x (2) Astalor Bloodsworn

2x (2) Baritone Imp

2x (2) Crescendo

2x (2) Impending Catastrophe

2x (2) Nofin's Imp-ossible

2x (2) Vile Library

2x (3) Fiendish Circle

1x (3) Imp Gang Boss

2x (3) Reverberations

2x (4) Crazed Conductor

2x (4) Mischievous Imp

1x (5) Symphony of Sins

1x (6) Imp King Rafaam

1x (7) Dar'Khan Drathir

1x (9) Sargeras, the Destroyer


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

Undead Priest

Class: Priest

Format: Standard

Year of the Wolf

2x (0) Undying Allies

2x (1) Arms Dealer

2x (1) Banshee

2x (1) Foul Egg

2x (1) Mind Sear

2x (1) Psychic Conjurer

1x (2) Astalor Bloodsworn

2x (2) Mind Eater

2x (2) Shadow Ascendant

2x (3) Cathedral of Atonement

2x (3) Shadowed Spirit

2x (4) Grave Digging

2x (4) Rotting Necromancer

1x (5) Darkbishop Benedictus

1x (5) High Cultist Basaleph

2x (5) Shadow Word: Undeath

1x (7) Aman'Thul


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone