i'm so bad with handbuff paladin

really, i can't understand what's my problem with this deck, it is my worst deck for win/loss ratio. i played mostly control decks for my whole life and i always sucked playing hyperaggro and midrange decks.

how do you play this deck? i lose against hyperaggro archetype because it is too fast, i lose against control because i keep being boardcleared when i play aggressively and being combo-ed if i keep a couple of minions in hand to try to not lose every buffed unit on the first boardclear. i can "consistently" win only against standard aggros since a buffed lifesteal is enough to reverse who is leading the match and usually they don't play removals.

i feel pretty stressed to not playing spells which can kill annoying stuffs, or wrath cards like a ceaseless: i'm at the mercy of the events and cannot switch my control-guy mindset.

takes a lot of time to build a decent unit who can be destroyed by 1 card, the weapon costs 4 for 2 damage and in the meanwhile i keep being steamrolled by aggros or looking at a dungar druid ramping for a dungar turn 5.

this decks seems to perform well through all the ladder, but for me is incomprehensible.

please, teach me.

recently zilliax has been removed from some lists... how do you win then? zilliax turn 6 (or 5+coin) and praying god is my main wincon.

i'm so bad... probably a bot can pilot this deck far better than me