Hit legend for the first time using Zarimi Priest from Bronze 10 this month
Zarimi Titan Pain Priest
Class: Priest
Format: Standard
Year of the Pegasus
2x (1) Giftwrapped Whelp
1x (1) Miracle Salesman
1x (1) Nightshade Tea
2x (1) Ship's Chirurgeon
1x (2) Birdwatching
2x (2) Gold Panner
2x (2) Orbital Halo
2x (2) Power Chord: Synchronize
2x (2) Scale Replica
2x (2) Whelp Wrangler
1x (3) Chillin' Vol'jin
2x (3) Ethereal Oracle
2x (3) Fly Off the Shelves
1x (3) Gorgonzormu
1x (3) Hot Coals
1x (3) Mixologist
1x (4) E.T.C., Band Manager
1x (1) Deafen
1x (3) Pendant of Earth
1x (9) Alexstrasza
1x (5) Timewinder Zarimi
1x (6) Clay Matriarch
1x (7) Aman'Thul
1x (100) The Ceaseless Expanse
To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
Zarimi Titan Pain Priest
Class: Priest
Format: Standard
Year of the Pegasus
2x (1) Giftwrapped Whelp
1x (1) Miracle Salesman
1x (1) Nightshade Tea
2x (1) Ship's Chirurgeon
1x (2) Birdwatching
2x (2) Gold Panner
2x (2) Orbital Halo
2x (2) Power Chord: Synchronize
2x (2) Scale Replica
2x (2) Whelp Wrangler
1x (3) Chillin' Vol'jin
2x (3) Ethereal Oracle
2x (3) Fly Off the Shelves
1x (3) Gorgonzormu
1x (3) Hot Coals
1x (3) Mixologist
1x (4) E.T.C., Band Manager
1x (1) Deafen
1x (3) Pendant of Earth
1x (9) Alexstrasza
1x (5) Timewinder Zarimi
1x (6) Clay Matriarch
1x (7) Aman'Thul
1x (100) The Ceaseless Expanse