TOW Ross and Rachel Take A Break Breakdown that nobody asked for

The world is crumbling and I'm high sooo Here's my (29F) *thoughts

Ross fucked up first when Rachel comes in and he assumes she's gonna apologize.

Then he fucked up again when he said to Rachel "it's just a job"

"Is this about Mark?" Big L.

Then he fucked up when he left. But Rachel also fucked up by letting him leave.

The Phoebe and Monica subplot is genuinely so funny😂 "so, you're a chef?"

Rachel fucked up again the second Mark called. "It's Mark" bitch, hang up!

"Isn't tonight the big anniversary?" BITCH HANG UP

Rachel fucked up again when she let Mark COME OVER WITH FOOD. Smh

Ross fucked up when he assumed why Mark was there.

Rachel fucked up by not immediately trying to get in touch with/go find Ross after he hung up. (I mean yes she called his house, but I'm surprised she didn't try to get in touch with Joey or Chandler, other methods)

Chloe is genuinely so awful but she's entertaining. Ross fucked up when he kissed her back.

🎶tuchi tuchi Miss American Pie!🎶

TOW The Morning After

Mark is also a little awful

Monica's little outfit is so cute, the Girls sweater with a backwards baseball hat

Appropriate reaction to Mark coming over.

The way Ross turns his head over the comforter when Chloe comes out of the bathroom is forever burned into my brain


Ross fucked up with Chloe AND by not setting an alarm. Smh.

Phoebe's enthusiasm about Waxine is so funny

"We figured when we couldn't find you, you'd gone home to make up with Rachel...which is probably what you should have done" Joey😂

Ross fucked up by listening to these two.

Chandler's joy "that's the trail, I did it!" I love Matthew Perry ♥︎

Besides sleeping with Chloe like two hours after thinking he and Rachel broke up, Ross really fucked up by trying to cover the trail. It's one of the most hurtful aspects to me the more I think about it.

"Very, very bad" Jasmine's delivery is amazing. The balance of humor and heartbreak is very well done this episode.

Decent explanation for the boys going into Monica's room, but do we believe that they heard them all the way across the hall, or that they were in Monica's apartment anyway? The latter is more likely they like to steal food, I'll buy it.

"He had sex and we get hit in our heads!" 😂

Ross fucked up not leaving when she initially asked, because they should have had this conversation when she was calmer/maybe a little more clear on how she felt But obviously then we wouldn't get this beautiful heartbreaking, well-written scene

The boys were stealing food, confirmed by Joey's "I'm hungry" Would you guys leave or stay and listen if you were them?

They both fucked up during the conversation, obviously, but overall Ross did a very hurtful awful thing to Rachel. But they were on a break. I'll say too, though, that I don't know that Rachel's argument wasn't just that they weren't, it was that it shouldn't have mattered either way.

Thanks for reading 🥰 hope everyone is finding some good vibes tonight